October 21, 2022 0 Comments

L-carnitine is in almost all cells of the body. Its name has a Latin origin and means meat because its composition contains the largest percentage of meat. It’s a chemical produced in the human brain liver and kidneys. It’s essential to function to convert fat into energy in weight loss and improve athletic performance. L-Carnitine is also important for the cardiovascular system and brain muscle movement and many other body processes.


Some people use L-carnitine for heart and blood vessel conditions, serious kidney disease, and many other conditions. But there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. In certain genetic diseases or other disorders, taking L-carnitine by mouth has been shown to be effective in treating L-carnitine deficiency, approved by the FDA. It may be effective for chest pain (angina). People with chest pain, who are taking L-carnitine by mouth or intravenously seems to improve exercise tolerance.

Taking L-carnitine along with standard treatment also appears to reduce chest pain. Improve exercise capacity in people with heart syndrome and heart failure. Can improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels by a small amount. The FDA has approved the administration of L-carnitine, but not by mouth, in renal failure. But it’s important to emphasize that this can only be approved by a doctor.  It is also useful in male infertility, in a situation where there are conditions that prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. 

According to some studies it’s shown to increase the chance of pregnancy.  It reduces the risk of myocarditis and death in children who have had diphtheria. Taking L-carnitine by mouth can increase ovulation and the chance of getting pregnant. It helps with the hormonal disorder that causes enlarged ovaries with cysts – polycystic ovary syndrome.  It also helps improve blood sugar levels.


We said that the liver and kidneys produce a sufficient amount of L-Carnitine. That is enough to meet the daily needs of adults and healthy children. Therefore, they do not have to consume carnitine in food.

People who want to start a weight loss process and have extra pounds use L-Carnitine as the number one weight loss supplement.  The recommended dose is usually from 1000 to 3000 mg. The consumption doses for each manufacturer are different and are written on the product label.

Foods containing carnitine

Animal products such as meat, fish, and milk are the best sources. Red meat contains the highest amount of carnitine.

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