Contact sports of greater intensity

Team sports of greater intensity are the following sports:

American rugby

Australian rugby


Rugby 12

Ice Hockey

Irish rugby



High-intensity team sports involve a combination of explosive multi-directional movements and also high-intensity contact with opponents.

All movements that produce force first begin with the muscles of the corpse. Developing an adequate level of hull stability is significant as it provides a solid and stable platform. From there, the power is transferred to your limbs, maximizing the efficiency of movements such as throwing, hitting, and catching the ball.

Combined with mobility, adequately trained core muscles provide a strong, stable, and moving base for activity. Activity such as defending the goal, catching the ball, and grabbing the ball, while also improving your agility and balance, reducing the risk of injury. Good rotational strength enhances throwing motions. A strong corpse creates a base for power transmission to the limbs and further helps defend against the opponent.

Corpse muscle strengthening training for higher-intensity contact sports

All team sports with higher-intensity collisions involve complex movements. By doing so, you have to develop the muscles of the core according to the demands of the sport and the dominant specific movements.

Aim training at developing the general physical form. Thus the body is prepared for sports activity from a combination of circuit and interval training.


Warming up the body for both training and competition should include dynamic stretching exercises and cardiorespiratory activity. Such activities include running back and forth to increase body temperature. Cooling down the body is achieved with light running and stretching exercises.


Isometric exercises such as the plank exercise help improve isometric strength and corpse stability. This creates a strong foundation for generating force and resisting the opponent’s force.


Rotational motion exercises such as lateral wall lunge promote rotational strength. They increase the speed and power of kicks and passes and provide greater stability to the body when twisting during contact.


Flexion exercises such as throwing a medicine ball from the floor help develop strength and mobility in the hips. It improves your striking ability and the downward force you need to fight your opponent.

One thought on “Contact Sports Provide A Strong Base For Activity”

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