The Best Way To Realize The Benefits Of Exercise

December 1, 2022 0 Comments

The best way to realize all the benefits of exercise is to engage in a mix of exercises. You need to include strength training, cardio, and stretching in your workout routine. Many athletes prefer certain types of training. But practicing only one type of training misses out on many benefits that you would gain by combining these three types of exercise.

Strength training

The purpose of this workout is to build muscle.  After strength training, muscles need rest to recover and grow.  In addition to building muscle, strength training improves mobility, balance, and agility.  Research shows that optimal strength training results are achieved if a specific body part is exercised twice a week, with a defined rest period between workouts.  With strength training, you don’t actually lose weight.  Muscle weighs more than fat. When your body replays fat with muscle the body will be more fit and toned through barbell strength training or other resistance training.

Cardio training

Cardio is about burning calories. Cardio burns the energy from consumed food before that energy is stored as fat.  When cardio has no energy to burn, your body burns fat.  You may perform 30 minutes of cardio five days per week for a total of 150 minutes per week.  This can include activities such as walking, swimming, playing football, running, or using an elliptical machine.  This is how you improve the efficiency of the heart and lungs.  In addition to improving heart health, cardio burns calories and improves endurance.
Stretching includes activities like yoga and pilates that tone muscles and improve muscle control.  It prevents muscle injury and improves flexibility and balance.  You may and should be stretching daily.

Strength training builds muscle, but it is not a form of weight loss.  Since muscles burn calories very efficiently, it is good to mix cardio and strength exercises.  The more muscle you build, the more calories your body can burn. And of course, don`t forget to stretch to avoid injury.

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