Skin Health

In order for our skin to be shiny and smooth, and above all healthy, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules of care and nutrition.

Products that we must include in our diet are:

Organically grown fruits and vegetables. They are rich in antioxidant nutrients, such as vitamins C, and E, carotenoids, and flavonoids.

Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, and cod. Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit the production of anti-inflammatory compounds that participate in the occurrence of skin diseases.

Flax seeds and walnuts. They contain ALA which can reduce the anti-inflammatory response of the skin. It also helps skin cell membranes to function normally.

Filtered water. A sufficient amount of quality water is necessary for the health of the skin. Many people find that certain products cause dermatitis and eczema.

We recommend avoiding products that cause allergic reactions.

Eye Health

We should take care of the eyes like any other organ in the body. Eyes are also susceptible to diseases, some of which could be avoided if we eat properly.

We recommend taking the following products as necessary:

Organically grown vegetables. Here we are primarily referring to members of the cruciferous family, such as broccoli, cabbage, kale, and mustard greens. Many types of vegetables are rich in beta-carotene and lutein, which are important for eye health. These products protect retinal cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, and cod. Omega-3 fatty acid is found in high concentrations in the retina of the eye.

Ecologically grown fruit. Many types of fruit, including grain, contain antioxidants that play an important role in protecting the health of the eyes.

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