Why We Need To Drink Water

February 1, 2023 0 Comments

All cells need water to function. Water makes up 60-70% of the body’s weight. It is for temperature control, carries nutrients to cells, and removes waste from cells.

Drinking water keeps us hydrated. We need to drink water because our body expels fluids from the body through various mechanisms. Water is lost through perspiration, urine, breath, and digestion. It is important to replace lost fluids to avoid dehydration.

How much water should we drink?

A good rule of thumb is to drink 8 cups of plain water daily with an additional 3-4 cups consumed in foods and other beverages such as milk. In addition, the more active you are and the hotter or more humid the weather, the more water your body requires. Frequent trips to the bathroom are a sign that you are probably drinking enough.
You may not feel thirsty but you may need more fluids. By the time you feel thirsty, your body may already be dehydrated.

How to consume it?

Water tastes better to us at refrigerator temperature.  When ingested at this temperature, thus it is rapidly assimilated from the intestinal tract.
Make a refreshing drink.  Use a cold mug and add a lemon or lime wedge. Use a frosty mug and add a slice of lemon or lime.
Sip with a straw.
Always carry a water bottle in the car.
Drink one cup in the morning when you brush your teeth, one cup with each meal and snack, and one cup at bedtime.

8 Reasons for Drinking 8 Glasses

1. Water is an essential nutrient.
2. Carries nutrients to cells and transports wastes to kidneys and lungs for excretion.
3. Carries hormones and disease-fighting cells through the bloodstream.
4. Necessary for many chemical reactions of digestion and metabolism.
5. Assists in temperature regulation; cools through sweat.
6. Protects and cushions tissues; lubricates joints.
7. Provides satiety, and gives a full feeling.
8. Assists with constipation relief.

Fluid Replacement Guidelines:

Drink 16-20 oz. of water 1 to 1 1/2 hours before outdoor activity.
Consume 6 to 12 ounces of fluid every 10-15 minutes while exercising outside.
After the activity drinks 16 to 24 ounces more.
Water is all you need if you are participating in a low or moderate-intensity activity such as walking for 60 minutes or less. If you are participating in a high-intensity exercise outside for 1+ hours, it is safe to add a sports drink containing sodium and potassium to
replace those lost through sweat.
Urine from a hydrated person should be pale or straw-colored.

Why We Need To Drink Water

There are so many reasons for drinking water

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