Drinking hot water with lemon is one of the healthiest habits that many people recommend. Lemon has many health benefits and is full of vitamin C. A solution in hot water is very effective, unlike cold water. The ideal water temperature should be between 50-60 degrees Celsius. Every morning put the juice of 1 lemon in 200 ml of warm water and enjoy the following benefits

What benefits of drinking a glass of warm water with lemon on an empty stomach?

Better digestion of food

Warm water and lemon are amazing for clearing toxins from the body and improving liver function.

Hydration of the body

It maintains the body’s hydration level at an ideal level because, unlike cold water, it stays longer in the body.

Promotes weight loss

Activating your digestive system flushes fat deposits from the body. So it promotes healthy weight loss and minimal calorie intake.

Improves circulation

Warm water helps arteries and veins dilate and increases blood flow throughout the body. It keeps the blood filtered and free of toxins.

It relaxes the muscles

It relaxes the muscles and encourages better absorption of the lemon. Prevents muscle spasms and protects muscles from injuries.

Detoxification of the body

It is responsible for removing toxins from the body and stimulates the endocrine system, responsible for detoxifying the body.

It relaxes the nervous system

Warm lemon water has a calming effect and is great for balancing mood swings and relieving stress.

Helps with blocked sinuses

Lemon is great at breaking up mucus, making it easier to clear sinus congestion. With a cold, lemon helps in the healing process and strengthens immunity.

Prevents constipation

Since warm water helps the intestines work better, it can also strengthen the intestines. Because of pectin, a soluble fiber, lemon dissolves refined sugars more easily, thereby controlling blood sugar levels.

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