The egg diet is the right thing for you and allows you to lose extra pounds quickly and easily. The essence is a reduced intake of calories and carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are abundant in our diet. But not only do they make you fat, but they are also responsible for the appearance of cellulite. The egg diet is a carbohydrate-free diet. Carbohydrates are a source of energy for our body, but too many carbohydrates are not always an advantage. If you don’t use them, there is a surplus that turns into fatty deposits and fat. By eating eggs, you will satisfy your hunger, and you will not take in excess carbohydrates.

When you do not consume excess carbohydrates, your body begins to use the accumulated energy from your fat deposits and reserves.

How many calories are in one egg?

One hard-boiled egg has about 78 calories. If you eat two eggs, you have taken in 156 calories. Three such meals are barely a third of the average 1200-1400 calories per day. In addition to the low number of calories they have, eggs are an excellent example of a healthy meal. They are full of nutrients. They are rich in B vitamins (B5, B12, and B2), vitamin A, phosphorus, and selenium. They also contain smaller amounts of vitamins D, E, K, calcium, and zinc. They are also rich in choline, a nutrient that our body uses to build cells. They increase the level of good cholesterol in the blood, reducing the possibility of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

By eating eggs, you have taken in enough protein that will give you enough energy. They combine well with other foods such as fruits, vegetables, and lean meat.

The diet plan looks like this:

• Eggs should be the main food, the main source of protein and fat, but not the only food

• Breakfast should be at least half an hour after getting up

• Meals should be approximately every 3 hours. No more than 5 hours should pass between meals.

• You should stop eating 3 hours before going to bed

Eggs do not have to be eaten only boiled, and other foods can be eaten with them, in limited quantities.


BREAKFAST: 2 boiled eggs, a piece of toast, a cup of yogurt

SNACK: Fruit

LUNCH: fried eggs, white chicken, and salad

SNACK: Fruit

DINNER: 2 boiled eggs, tuna, salad

You already know that 8 glasses of water a day will keep you well hydrated, but also help you burn fat faster.

In the first days, a crisis may occur due to the reduced intake of carbohydrates, especially when a variant of the diet without any carbohydrates is applied. There is a need to eat something sweet, but weakness, nausea, and headaches may also appear. This does not have to be a reason to give up this way of losing weight. Sometimes one sweet is enough to overcome the crisis, dark chocolate, honey, and taking in a smaller amount of carbohydrates will make the diet more bearable.

If you want to get your line in order in a short time, then the egg diet is ideal. But if you then go back to your old habits, the pounds will come back. For lasting results, you must take in as many calories as you expend and start doing some physical activity.

The egg diet is a great way to quickly reach the desired weight that you will maintain with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

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