Have you experienced muscle soreness after starting a new physical activity or increasing the pace or intensity of your usual workout?  Muscle soreness and tightness occur a day or two after exercise and can happen to anyone, regardless of fitness level.

Do not be discouraged! This pain is normal, does not last long, and is a sign that you are improving your fitness level.  If you still overexert yourself or the pain is too strong, there are always ways to deal with it.

Why do muscles ache after exercise?

Muscle inflammation and soreness can occur when

  • starting a new exercise program,
  • when you change your exercise routine or
  • when you increase the duration or intensity of your current exercise program.

When muscles work harder than usual, they are activated in a different way.  It causes muscle fibers to tear, resulting in pain or stiffness.

Could it happen to me?

Muscle soreness as a result of exercise can happen to anyone, whether you are a beginner or have been working out for years. This happens to professional athletes as well. If you’re a beginner, this pain may seem scary, but don’t let it stop you from achieving your fitness goals. The good news is that pain is a sign that you are activating your muscles in a new way, which means a change is happening in your body. A change for the better, as you build a healthier and stronger body.

How long does the pain last?

Muscle pain after exercise can last from 3 to 5 days, with varying intensity, and occurs a day or two after exercise.

You need to distinguish this pain from pain acquired during an injury due to improper exercise that you will feel during exercise, which can be sharp, cutting, and acute.

You can continue to exercise even though you have muscle pain but still reduce the intensity and pace.  If your legs hurt because you had a hard leg workout yesterday, exercise a different part of your body today.  That way, you’ll rest the different muscle groups and not miss days of training, which means you won’t have to compromise your schedule to achieve your fitness plan.

How to deal with sore muscles?

To prepare your body, don’t make sudden changes in your exercise routine.  That way, you will introduce effort and intensity gradually and you won’t feel a lot of muscle soreness, or at least it will last less.  Allow the muscles to adapt.  Also, always warm up properly and perform weight-lifting exercises or moves correctly.

This is a pain for which you do not need to see a doctor.  In addition to rest and a healthy diet rich in magnesium and vitamin C, to reduce muscle pain after exercise, as well as to deal with cramps, apply a special massage ointment with an intensive effect.  An ointment that contains ingredients that help increase blood circulation, cool tissue, and relieve pain.

But muscle pain can also be caused by physical inactivity.  Especially in the elderly, whose muscles atrophy from inactivity.  Because of this, every movement becomes limited and is followed by pain.
So stick to healthy habits, exercise, and be physically active.

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