The beginner who starts to exercise learns which exercises with weights are for and gets to know the exercise equipment, weights, bars, handles… Learns how to do the exercises with the correct form, and how to breathe while exercising.
The first adaptations that occur in someone who starts exercising for the first time are in the neuromuscular system. These adaptations – with regular practice, last several months.

When you start an exercise program, there is no connection between the brain and the muscles. If the muscles tremble with exertion when you lift a weight, it means that the brain is commanding them to do something they are not used to. Then they get confused. Training after training, the brain can activate more and more motor units (nerves and muscle fibers). This results in greater strength because we have improved coordination.

Strength gains in the early stages of exercise are the result of an improved connection between you, your brain, and your muscles, not just an increase in muscle mass. One can even lift weights that are insufficient for good muscle mass growth with the help of the adaptation of the neuromuscular system.

Then there is progress and an increase in strength. He already knows how to perform the weight exercises correctly. The body has already adapted to the imposed physical stress from exercise. The muscles are no longer confused, the body is not uncoordinated, and it knows what is happening to it.

Increase in muscle mass

After the adaptive period, you enter another phase of the exercise. In addition, it is important which exercises you do, with what intensity, weights, repetitions, etc.
Depending on your current body shape and what you want to achieve through exercise, you will form your exercise and nutrition program.
Do you want to lose excess fat? Increase your strength? Increase your muscle mass?
All of these questions will help define the next steps in your practice. Should you exercise with heavy or light weights? How often and for how long? Should you do high or low reps? Should you run? Long distances or short? Moderate, fast, or sprint? What to eat? Carbohydrates, proteins, fats? In what ratio?

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