October 30, 2022 0 Comments

A lunge is an excellent exercise for strengthening the muscles of the legs. Lunges primarily activate the quadriceps but almost equally activate the hamstrings and the gluteal region. If the stride is longer, we activate the hamstrings. If the stride is shorter, we activate the quadriceps. The gluteus is also activated during the performance of all variations of this exercise.

There are several variations of this exercise. It depends on whether the equipment we are using or depending on which muscle group we want to emphasize.

This exercise is complex in nature and requires a well-mastered technique. We take the steps with only one leg. So after completing the series, continue with the other leg or alternately. We can also perform this exercise by moving in space.

Forward Lunge

The starting position is a standing position with legs shoulder-width apart. The back is tight and we pull the stomach in. The head is in a natural position and the gaze is straight. The hands are on the waist or on the hips. When stepping forward we first lean on the heel and then on the whole foot. The toes should be pointing straight ahead or turned slightly sideways.

We inhale while going down. Until the knee of the front leg goes down at an angle of 90 degrees. Is parallel to the floor, and the weight of the body is on the back leg. The foot of the back leg should be lifted from the floor. Try not to touch the floor with the knee you are lowering. Be careful that the knee of the front leg does not cross the toes of the same leg.

Follows the line of the foot. If it escapes laterally, injury can occur. Stay in the step for a few seconds. Then push up from the front foot while exhaling. The torso and back should always be flat. You should not bend forward from the hips. Remember that the spine always stays in the same position as it moves up and down.

When the technique is well mastered it can be passed on a lunge with weight.

In the lunges with a bar, we put the bar behind the head, on the upper part of the back – the shoulders. It is a shade more difficult than the one-arm lunge in terms of maintaining balance.

One-arm dumbbell lunge. Performance: with a dumbbell in each hand, and the arms beside the body. We additionally activate the trapezius muscles-shoulders and the lifters of the scapula.

The execution technique is the same for both types of lunges with weight. But with weights maintaining balance is better because there is equal weight on both sides of the body.

There is also a gym machine called the Smith. The lunge with weight is performed with a technique similar to the classic front lunge.

Backward (Reverse) Lunge

We take a step backward, not forwards in this lunge. It’s suitable for beginners because the weight of the body stays on the front leg in the initial stage. It cannot push the knee in front of the toes and creates less stress on the knees.

Lateral lunge

The lunge in this variant is done laterally. This exercise hits the adductor and gluteus, less the quadriceps. In combination with a forward or backward lunge, we activate all the muscles of the lower body. That will achieve maximum effect.

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