This is one of the most popular ways to lose weight that can allow you to lose up to 20 pounds in 3 months. The basic principle of the Un diet is to eat a certain type of food every day. Although it is long-lasting, you get used to it easily.
Un diet is a long-term diet and lasts 90 days. Since it is long-lasting, it is divided into 4 specific phases, the order of which must be strictly observed.

Those phases are actually one for each day, which alternate and they are

Protein day
A starchy day
Carbohydrate day
Fruitful day

In addition to these stages, there are also 6 principles that must also be respected as long as the diet lasts.

1. Start the day with fruit. Every morning you should eat 2 pieces of fruit for example 2 apples, 2 oranges, 2 kiwis. There is also a deviation. If your choice is bananas, only one is allowed. If your choice is small fruit such as strawberries or cherries, you can eat a handful of small fruit or 8 pieces. Instead of fresh, you can also eat dried fruit, but not more than 100 grams per day.

2. Complete all 4 stages in order. The order must not be changed, you start the diet with the first phase, i.e. protein day. The rules of this diet allow us to eat certain foods that are allowed only on that particular day.

3. The distance between meals must be at least 2 hours and you should not eat after 8 pm. This meal spacing rule is included to process well-consumed food, then avoid excessive caloric intake and strain the stomach with bloating and gas. With these breaks, the body balances itself and knows exactly when and how hungry we are.

4. Lunch and dinner are almost always the same, except that for dinner there is a smaller amount.

5. Drink 2 liters of water a day. Other liquids are allowed but without added sugar. Alcohol, carbonated drinks, and sugary juices are not allowed.

6. Supplements such as vitamins or minerals are prescribed.

The food consumed should not be fried but stewed, boiled, or baked.

The UN Diet also has one specific day, which is water day. This day follows every 29 days or after 7 repetitions of the four phases. During the 90-day diet, you will have 3 water days. In these days, do not eat anything and drink only liquids, water, unsweetened teas, soup, lemonade, or some flavored water.

So with this way of eating, we eat a variety of food and eliminate or reduce certain types of food.

Allowed foods in the UN diet:

• Fruits, vegetables, seeds, legumes
• Meat – fish, chicken breast, etc. are allowed, but meat products are not allowed.
• Spices – it is allowed to use olive oil, vinegar, and lemon, but not spices whose dominant ingredient is salt.
• Dough – it can be consumed but you should not overdo it.
• Sweets – on the days when it is allowed, you can eat pudding, creams, and cakes, of course without overeating.
• Dairy products – Milk, cheese, and yogurt are allowed foods on a protein day.

These foods are allowed in limited quantities and on exactly certain days. The effect will be maximum if you follow the rules.

The UN diet should not be followed for more than 90 days. It is restrictive and care should be taken. The diet does not have to last 90 days. If you reach your desired weight earlier you can stop it and continue with a healthy and moderate diet. But if you want to repeat it, at least 3 months must pass.

If you have achieved the desired effect with the UN diet, stay on track with a healthy diet and continue to take care of your diet. It can help you lose weight and reach your desired weight, but you need to maintain it.

However, the best way to speed up the effect and maintain the desired weight is through physical activity. That way you will get the best results.

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