The beauty of water weight loss is that each day you can choose a different beneficial ingredient to add to your weight loss water.

Flax and water for weight loss

Flax is one of the superfoods. The richest source of fatty acids, lignin, and cellulose fibers that our digestive system cannot digest, as well as soluble digestible fibers. It is a gel-like substance that slows the absorption of food in the colon and makes you feel fuller for longer.
Indigestible fiber encourages the development of good bacteria that maintain the health of the digestive system. They increase the volume of the stool, preventing constipation and promoting faster emptying of the bowels.
At night, soak 1 tablespoon of ground flax and 2 dl of lukewarm water. Let it sit and swell overnight. In the morning, mix and drink the entire amount at once.
Very quickly you will notice the first effects of water and flax for weight loss. Several kilograms of waste can accumulate in the body. Flax and water for weight loss are ideal means to get rid of them.
Always use ground flax seeds. The seeds are covered with a hard membrane. That is difficult to digest and the flax will have almost no effect.

Warm water and lemon

Lemon contains substances that are usually associated with weight loss. Add a squeezed or blended lemon without the peel to your morning hot water for weight loss. You will reduce the feeling of hunger by ingesting the pectin that the lemon contains. Pectin is a digestible fiber that turns into a gel-like substance and behaves similarly to soluble flax fiber.
Lemon juice contains two important components that are associated with healthy body weight: vitamin C. People who consume more vitamin C weigh less and burn more calories during exercise.
Lemon is also rich in hesperetin, which is an antioxidant. Thanks to this ingredient, you are less likely to develop fat deposits due to the consumption of fatty foods.

Cucumber and water

Cucumber contains vitamin C, and several antioxidants – flavonoids, beta carotene, molybdenum, and magnesium. If we add it to our slimming water we will get an excellent drink full of vitamins and minerals called Sassi slimming water.
One peeled medium-sized cucumber is cut into rounds, placed in a large jug, and poured with about two liters of water. The drink is prepared in the evening so that the water can absorb as many active substances as possible during the night.

Cinnamon and water

It improves insulin secretion, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and improves glucose metabolism, which are key effects for successful weight loss.
Cinnamon in water for weight loss creates a feeling of satiety. Add honey and apple to this mixture for a nice flavor and you have a great fat burner.
There is no strict rule for making detox water for weight loss. All you need is clean water, your favorite fat-burning ingredient, and a large jug in which to let the water infuse with additional actives. The longer you let the mixture stand, the more intense the taste will be, and the richer your slimming water will be in active ingredients that melt away pounds.

Here are some combinations that cleanse the body of toxins, restore energy and burn fat.


Cut an apple into thin slices and cover a stick of cinnamon with clean water and leave it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. It is best to prepare the drink in the evening and to enrich the water during the night. Start the day with a glass of water for weight loss, and drink the rest throughout the day.

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