Poor circulation means the blood flow is slowing down. The cells in the body are not getting enough oxygen and nutrients that they need. With poor circulation, the hands and feet are cold, and numb and have a blue tint. Weakened circulation can also lead to fainting, drowsiness, weakness, forgetfulness, poor concentration, loss of attention, and “numbness” in the hands and feet. Factors that worsen circulation. The first symptoms of poor circulation are cramps in the legs, a feeling of coldness, as well as a change in the color of the skin on the hands and feet. How to improve weak circulation?

Factors that worsen circulation


It damages the artery walls and leads to excessive blood clotting. This slows down blood flow and circulation. So stop smoking.


It causes a condition of hardening of the arteries and slows the blood flow. Check your blood pressure regularly


You should drink enough amount of water. You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Drink more fluids if you engage in physical activity.


Sitting for long periods of time is not good for circulation. This slows the blood flow to the legs. If you have to sit for a long time, get up occasionally and take short walks to speed up circulation.

There are several ways to improve poor circulation. Some of them are:

The best way to improve your circulation is to exercise, run, drive, walk, and swim. This way you take in more oxygen and get your blood pumping. Exercise at least two days a week for 30 minutes.

Avoid heavy, greasy, and unhealthy food. Also, avoid too much salt. Eat more vegetables and fruits.

One of the ways to improve circulation is a warm bath. It causes your arteries and veins to dilate, allowing for better circulation.


Stand straight and on your feet with your hands on your hips. Raise yourself high on your toes and come down again on your whole foot. Repeat several times.
You start the next exercise from the same starting position, only now you stand on your heels instead of your toes.
Lie on the floor and raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Make downward movements with the fingers towards the body and back up. Also, repeat several times.

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