Sources of Coenzyme Q include fish, beef liver, sprouts from whole grains, and more.


The beneficial effects of products rich in coenzyme Q:

  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  • Increase the energy level
  • Stabilize blood sugar
  • Restore the effect of vitamin E

For which indications is there a greater need for products rich in coenzyme Q?

  • Heart problems such as angina, arrhythmia, or high blood pressure
  • Gum problems
  • Stomach ulcer
  • High blood sugar
  • Muscle weakness and fatigue

Why do we need products rich in coenzyme Q?

Coenzyme Q is extremely important for our health, especially for the health of our heart and blood vessels. In many living things, coenzyme Q is made by the same chemical pathways that make vitamins E, K, and folic acid. Although the human body cannot produce the above vitamins, coenzyme Q is thought to be able to produce them.

Coenzyme Q, which is also called ubiquitous, because it is present in our cells (Latin ubique=everywhere), also has the name Q 10. The number 10 indicates a certain part of its chemical structure.

The beneficial effects of coenzyme Q on health

It stimulates the production of energy

Coenzyme Q is at the very center of the cellular energy production process. Mitochondria, special organelles in our cells, take fats, carbohydrates, and proteins and turn them into usable energy. That process always requires the presence of coenzyme Q. In some cells, such as heart cells, this energy conversion process can be a matter of life or death, which is why coenzyme Q is so important to health.

Protection of cells

Coenzyme Q is a proven antioxidant that the body uses to protect cells from oxidative damage. The mechanism of this protective effect is not clear. However, at least 1 study has shown that taking a coenzyme Q supplement reduces damage to cell membranes by 95%.

What are the causes and symptoms of coenzyme Q deficiency?

There are no studies that deal in detail with the symptoms of coenzyme Q deficiency. However, its deficiency is clearly associated with a variety of heart problems. These are arrhythmia, angina, heart attack, mitral valve prolapse, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and congestive heart failure. Difficulties with regulating blood sugar are also attributed to the deficiency. Also gum problems and stomach ulcers.

Certain medications, such as statins and beta-blockers can cause coenzyme Q deficiency.

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