Why are rest days between workouts necessary?

Rest days are as important as physical activity or even more important. Specifically, there is no success in training without a day off. A day off allows the body to recover and regenerate. Rest days are a key part of progress, whether you’re a professional athlete or an amateur. Otherwise, skipping and avoiding rest days leads to overtraining and fatigue.

The benefits of a day off

Allows the body time to recover

A day off doesn’t mean you have to lie in bed.  This is the time necessary for muscle growth.  Namely, exercise causes microscopic damage to muscle tissues, and during the day of rest, these tissues and cells (fibroblasts) are renewed.  In this way, tissues recover, heal and grow, which causes muscle growth.

In addition, muscles store carbohydrates in the form of glycogen.  During training, glycogen decomposes and the body is using it for energy.  On rest days, they give the body time to replenish glycogen stores for the next workout.

Prevents muscle fatigue

Rest is necessary to avoid fatigue caused by activity. Thus, activity depletes glycogen levels. If these are not replenished, you will feel tired. In addition, muscles need glycogen to function properly, even when you are not training. Rest will serve to prevent fatigue by replenishing glycogen reserves.

Reduces the risk of injury

Regular rest is essential for safe training.  When the body is oversaturated, it’s easier to lose shape and get injured.  Overtraining leads to repetitive stress and strain, which also increases the risk of injury.

Improves performance

When there is not enough rest, it is difficult to make a normal routine, and often the motivation is very low.  When you push yourself to the limit, overtraining reduces performance – endurance decreases, reactions slow and agility is poor.

Rest has exactly the opposite effect: it increases energy, prevents fatigue, and prepares the body for new training.
• Contributes to the quality of sleep

Training contributes to quality sleep, but rest days also help.  Training increases cortisol and adrenaline levels, and excessive exercise leads to the overproduction of these hormones.  With excessive levels of these hormones, sleep will be difficult, increasing fatigue and exhaustion.

Sleep enables the regulation of hormones and maintains the quality of sleep.

How to properly spend a day off?

There is no ideal formula for a day off that applies to everyone.  Its planning depends on the intensity of the normal daily routine, but also on the activities in addition to the training.

Most often, some light cardio activities are performed on rest days, which include walking or light cycling.

We advise taking vacations every 3-5 days, and sometimes more often.

What is important to do on days off?

With light activities on rest days, we recommend reducing caloric intake and getting enough protein. Protein helps in muscle recovery, so we recommend getting 1.2-2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

In addition to protein, our recommendation is to consume complex carbohydrates, sufficient amounts of water, and fruits and vegetables.

Signs you need a day off

If you notice any of the following signs, it’s time to take a day off:

Muscle fatigue – this is continuous fatigue that is not exclusively related to training.

General fatigue – which does not go away even after a long sleep.

Soreness – Muscles and joints will clearly signal that they are overworked and need rest.

Emotional Changes – When you are emotionally drained, there is an imbalance of serotonin and cortisol. This can cause changes such as nervousness, mood swings, and similar emotional states.

Sleep problems – Increased cortisol and adrenaline reduce sleep quality

Impaired performance – if your usual training is tough or you’re lacking progress, take a day off.

Whether you’re a beginner, a seasoned exerciser, or a regular trainer, you need a break.  Its functions are related to muscle recovery, prevention of fatigue, and maintenance of progress and performance.

To make the most of your vacation days, do light activities like walking, biking, or yoga classes.  These activities will maintain the activity level and allow the body to recover.

Remember, without enough rest, the realization of your goal will be jeopardized, and the risk of injury is very high.  So rest days are the best thing you can do for your body to thrive and not skip them or minimize their importance.

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