We know that for a fit figure, a significantly larger percentage belongs to nutrition, and a smaller percentage to exercise.  When what and how much we should eat depends on whether we are preparing for everyday, normal training or competition.

According to some studies, eating carbohydrates before exercise can influence better exercise, endure a longer duration of training, or be of higher intensity. 

It is not recommended to starve when you exercise. If you are a morning exerciser, it is recommended that you eat at least one hour before training and that should be a light breakfast or a sports drink.  A good choice would be whole-grain cereals or bread, low-fat milk, juice, banana, and yogurt.

Eating small meals and snacks is practiced 1 to 3 hours before training. Large meals 3-4 hours before training.  Eating too little can cause you to have no energy, and eating too much can make you feel weak.

The food taken before exercise should be well-balanced 

Depending on what we want to achieve, the food before training should contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Eating protein before training will give us strength during weight training and muscle growth.  Food with a high amount of protein: fish, such as salmon and tuna;  poultry, such as chicken and turkey;  nuts;  beans;  lentils;  eggs;  soy.

Consuming carbohydrates before training will ensure enough energy for good training performance.  They are a basic source of energy. Carbohydrates are divided into:
Simple – which provides a rapid increase in energy.  They should be consumed 30 to 60 minutes before training.  White bread and banana are examples of this type of carbohydrate.
Complex – provide a slower but longer-term source of energy.  They contain fiber or starch.  Example broccoli, sweet potatoes, and other vegetables, whole-grain pasta, beans, lentils, brown rice, oats, and whole-grain bread.

Consuming fat before training is generally not recommended, but preference is given to foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins.  But fats are a source of energy and should be added to a well-balanced meal, especially healthy fats.  Unsaturated fats can provide many health benefits.  Here are foods that contain unsaturated fats: avocados, olive oil, nuts, and seeds.

Yoga female cooking homemade salad

It is a mistake to avoid a meal after exercise

It is recommended that the meal after exercise be taken no later than 2 hours.  The nutrients from this meal will ensure a recovery process and build new muscle tissue. A good post-workout meal should include brown rice, chocolate milk, kefir, fruit, lean protein, nut butter, quinoa, yogurt, eggs, and whole grain wraps/tortillas.  A protein powder, protein drink, or bar can also be chosen if that suits your lifestyle. Chicken breast can be combined with brown rice;  tortilla with vegetables, avocado, and meat;  smoothie with greek yogurt, fruit, and nut butter;  peanut butter spread on whole wheat bread.  The ratio of carbohydrates to proteins should be 2:1. Your meal should consist of 1/3 fruits and vegetables, 1/3 protein, 1/3 carbohydrates, and some fat.

Avoid pure protein after training because the body will use it again as energy;  fried food and food that contains sugar: cakes, and cookies.

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