Gluten is a type of protein found naturally in grains. It is found in wheat, barley, and rye. Absolutely in the products made from them. So this means that gluten is also found in pasta, pizza, snacks, soups, industrial food, additives, preservatives, and various food stabilizers. Sometimes it is also found in oral hygiene products and medicines.

Also, it is a major food allergy culprit. Due to the increased and frequent consumption of products containing gluten, people have developed an intolerance to this protein over time.

If you have headaches, stomach pains, or strange mood swings, gluten in your diet may be bothering you. Depression, poor concentration, headache, chronic fatigue, epileptic seizures, arthritis, bloating and abdominal pain, diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, eczema, hyperactivity, and psoriasis. In children, it can cause difficulty breathing and ear infections.

Gluten allergy can bother you for a long time, and it’s difficult to detect.

If you have any of these symptoms, eliminate gluten from your diet for a while. If you notice an improvement, then it means that it is gluten that is bothering you.

is also considered healthier, so it is recommended for those who do not have a problem with gluten allergy.

Gluten intolerance

It is a chronic, gastroenterological, autoimmune disease in organisms that cannot tolerate gluten. Symptoms are frequent uncomfortable stools, abdominal pain, weight loss, appetite, and weak muscle mass. Adolescents, on the other hand, have delayed development in puberty. Gluten intolerance causes a disease called celiac disease. Gluten damages the small intestine and the intestinal villi are destroyed. Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine decreases and there is a lack of nutrients in the body.

And unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease. The only cure for gluten intolerance is gluten-free food.

Foods to avoid: Barley, barley malt, bulgar, couscous, wheat, white flour, durum, oats, semolina, rye.

Grains that do NOT contain gluten: amaranth, chickpeas, corn, cornmeal, millet, rice, rice flour, Chinese sugar cane, soy (but not soy sauces), tapioca, quinoa, starch, or potato flour.

How To Avoid Gluten?

Foods to avoid: Barley, barley malt, bulgar, couscous, wheat, white flour, durum, oats, semolina, rye.

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