The butt is one of the main areas that women want to improve. With the relaxation of the buttock muscles, cellulite appears on the buttock.
exercise is good for the shape of the whole body, including the buttocks. People usually opt for cardio exercises, running and jogging, pilates, yoga, dancing, swimming, cycling, and other sports.
But the butt exercises focus specifically on the glutes, unlike the others listed that don’t necessarily target the butt. They take less time because they target the gluteus, are more intense, but last shorter. They should lift, shape, and tone the gluteus, and help melt away any excess fat.

The best exercises for the butt

To achieve the best effects, combine exercises. Half an hour a day is enough for you and you can combine 3-4 exercises of 5-10 minutes each. This way you will activate more muscles of the butt and start to shape it.

Butt lift exercises

Kneel on your knees and place them hip-width apart. Stand with your hands shoulder-width apart. The spine should be straight.

Raise one knee slightly off the floor, but do not change the position of the body. Without straightening the leg at the knee, lift it out to the side so that the knee is in line with the hips and forms a 90-degree angle with the other leg. Return the leg to the starting position without touching the other leg or the floor. Repeat this a few times, then do the same with the other leg.

From the same starting position, lift your knee off the floor so that your leg is hanging in the air. Extend your leg and foot back in a straight line. Raise your leg straight up towards the ceiling. Then lower it so that the tips of the fingers touch the floor, but a few centimeters to the line of the starting position.

Raise the leg in the previous position, towards the ceiling. Lower the leg in the same way, only this time it touches the floor a few centimeters on the opposite side. Repeat several times, then repeat with the other leg.

Lie in a plank position where the whole body is in a straight line. Then bend one leg at the knee so that the foot is facing the ceiling. Then try, conditionally speaking, to step on the ceiling by pushing your leg up several times. Then do the same with the other leg.

The best exercise for the buttocks is squats. Your knees must be hip-width apart, and when you start to lower yourself, make sure your knees don’t cross the line of your feet. Concentrate on performing each squat correctly, ie. that the spine is straight, that the arms are outstretched and not helping you up, and that the knees are bending correctly. This is much more important than how fast and under what load you squat.

Squats with heels raised
The feet should stand slightly wider than the shoulders and the toes should point outwards. Lift one heel and keep your knees in line with your feet and keep your balance. Slowly return, then lift the heel of the other leg and repeat the squat.
Jump squats
This exercise combines a squat with a jump. You stand in the starting position and go down as much as you jump up from that position. Repeat several times.

Butt shaping exercises

After the butt-lifting exercises, shaping follows. No one wants their butt to look flat; everyone would like a round, toned butt.
A good exercise for this problem is the so-called bridge. You can do it from a lying or sitting position. If you are lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees and place them hip-width apart. Gently lift your buttocks up and push your hips forward until you make a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.

The procedure is similar when sitting, except you will need a bench or bed behind you to support you. Bend your knees in front of you, slightly apart. You lift your butt and push your hips forward until you make a bridge. Raise and lower your buttocks without touching the floor as you complete the set of repetitions.

You can also do this exercise by stretching and lifting one leg while resting the other on the ground. She should be bent on her knees. Repeat the exercise several times, then do the same with the other leg.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands clasped at your chest. Take a step back by moving the leg diagonally from the starting position. This means that you will step to the right with your left foot and to the left with your right.

Buttock tightening exercises

Buttock tightening exercises are for strengthening the buttock muscles for a nice and strong butt.
An excellent exercise for tightening the buttocks is squats where you rely on gravity on the heel, ie. that while doing the squat you pull your body as far back as possible. This exercise is best for strengthening the buttocks.

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