Fat burning, slow metabolism, and aging are the main problems in reducing excess weight. You can make that fat-burning process easier if you learn how to achieve your goals more easily.

Your body is constantly burning calories

The body constantly spends energy not only on physical activity but also on biological processes such as breathing, thinking, generating heat, etc. But it is important to know that a body with more muscle mass burns more calories than a body full of fat. A pound of muscle mass burns about 60 calories a day to maintain, while a pound of fat burns about 4 calories a day. So more muscle mass – increased burning of calories and vice versa.

Since the perfect fit body is built in the kitchen, it is shaped by exercise, it is necessary to learn to correctly choose the food you eat, as well as the time of meals. The most optimal and recommended daily food intake is 40% proteins-30%-carbohydrates and 30%-fats.

By consuming more protein, muscle building is accelerated. Does not the increase in muscle mass cause an acceleration of the fat-burning process? Carbohydrates, especially simple sugars, slow down the fat-burning process and store excess carbohydrates as fat. First, eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages and limit the amount of food you eat. Your body needs carbohydrates and protein after exercise to restore its energy and recover muscles. Therefore, it is recommended that the largest part of the daily percentage be consumed after training.

A proper combination of cardio exercises and strength exercises should also be done. With cardio exercises, you will lose part of your body fat, but you will also lose muscle mass. That’s why you also need strength training. With cardio exercise, in addition to its many health benefits, you’ll burn fat by speeding up your metabolism and making dramatic changes to your appearance.

Are strength exercises really that important?

Yes! Strength enhances all other physical abilities and is the foundation of all human and athletic movement. This training will improve balance, coordination, and explosiveness, which is a product of strength.

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